Latest Episode:

Episode 146 - Patreon Selects: Carrie-Ben Therapy (aka CBT 2.0)
Carrie and Ben create their own model of therapy. Goal setting! Psychoeducation! Exploitation and worrisome sales tactics! What does it say about psychotherapy when our progressively cynical efforts to develop a modality end up mirroring some of the norms in our field? This episode is evidence-based and supported by neuroscience.

Episode 145 - Patreon Selects: Book Review - All Therapy Books
All therapy books have an oddly similar message: *This* form of therapy is the one that truly matters, and *this* science/philosophy/whatever is the key to understanding how human psychology actually works. These narratives can’t all be true, so are they all simply bullshit instead? We read through Scott Alexander’s legendary blog post, Book Review: All Therapy Books, and discuss whether therapy gurus really believe the answers they are selling.

Episode 143 - Patreon Selects: Fun With the Psychology Today Profile Generator
Life can be hard at times. Do you want to feel more visible and important in your relationships? Are you curious about why every Psychology Today profile looks the same? We get silly with the incredible Therapist Generator and learn all about treating sunroof addition with truckload therapy and registered turtleneck therapy. The therapist profiles are fake, but our desire to meet you where you are on your journey is very real.

Episode 138 - Patreon Selects: Is EMDR a Cultish Pyramid Scheme?
No, EMDR is not a cultish pyramid scheme. With that out of the way, why is EMDR training so expensive when its theoretical foundations are supported by dubious (at best) research? In this clickbaity-titled episode, Angela Nauss, EMDRIA-certified LMFT, joins us to describe the experience of paying thousands of dollars to “watch the dumpster fire from inside the dumpster.” Please direct all angry emails to

Episode 129 - Patreon Selects: Will Carrie Ever Get Licensed?
Carrie hasn’t worked as a therapist in over a year. Will she ever get licensed, and how is her decision connected to the apparent reality that many therapists are actively trying to not see clients? We explore the interesting trend of therapists looking for side hustles, and Carrie forces Ben to confront his extreme aversion to participating in the real world (aka sales and marketing).

Episode 122 - Patreon Selects: Degrees of Confusion (Part 2)
Justin Norris rejoins us to conclude our conversation about the perplexing maze that is the application process for grad school. We use the California State University (CSU) system as a case study to illustrate why program requirements aren’t always what they seem, and Carrie discusses which therapy programs do a great job of defining and providing quality to their students. Plus, Subaru gets lots of free advertising.

Episode 121 - Patreon Selects: Degrees of Confusion (Part I)
Have you ever wondered why the process of applying to grad school is so unclear at times? In part one of two, we are joined by Justin Norris, an expert in systems of higher education, to talk about the surprisingly interesting topics of accreditation, for-profit vs. non-profit designations, and public vs. private universities. If you wanted to become a therapist but ended up in a sales funnel, this episode is for you.

Episode 119 - Patreon Selects: The Intersections of Philosophy and Psychotherapy
Dr. Sally Gibbons is an Oxford-educated philosopher, professor of bioethics and philosophy at UCLA, and licensed professional clinical counselor. We discuss her academic background, what inspired her transition to a career in mental health, and how philosophical thinking informs her humility and curiosity with clients. We also explore the intersections between philosophy and psychotherapy and how this relates to questions about what it means to be a human being and what we owe each other. Plus, Dr. Gibbons shares her own experience of very bad solution-focused brief therapy.

Episode 117 - Patreon Selects: The History of Expertise in Therapy (Part II)
The history of expertise in medicine and science led the field of psychotherapy to its beloved empirically supported treatments (ESTs). Psychiatrists were prescribing pills, and psychotherapists were offering best practices. But how did these best practices get their reputation, and what happens when clients and therapists alike believe uncertain truths about mental health treatment? We conclude our two-part historical journey with a look at some contemporary alternatives to the medical model and what this all means for the most important aspect of therapy: helping clients get better outcomes.

Episode 116 - Patreon Selects: The History of Expertise in Therapy (Part I)
Therapists are considered mental health experts. How did this come to be, and is it necessary for the future of the field? Join us as we trace the surprising history of the medical model in therapy from its origins in the Scientific Revolution to the evolution of treatment manuals. Part I takes us all the way to 1987, with cameos by the Catholic Church, Ben Franklin, Sigmund Freud, Hans Eysenck, and more. If you’ve ever wondered why psychotherapy seems to have such a confusing relationship with medicine and science, this episode is for you.

Episode 114 - Patreon Selects: An Actor, a Sommelier, and a Poker Player Walk Into a Bar
Carrie and Ben are joined by friend of the podcast Rachel Bennett to talk about how their past careers have shaped their identities as therapists. Topics include:
How working in fine dining informs the importance of being of service and providing experiences to therapy clients
How very few people in therapy and acting know what they're doing and how this helps with impostor syndrome
The humility required to be a successful poker player and therapist, as well as the need to separate short-term results from long-term process
The importance of learning how to self-regulate in the presence of others
How all of this (as always) relates to feedback-informed treatment

Episode 112 - Patreon Selects: Desperate Remedies for Mental Illness
Dr. Andrew Scull is the Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Emeritus, at UCSD. He has written extensively about the history of psychiatry and the treatment of madness. We discuss why it seems like the more you know about mental illness, the less clear things become. We also explore myths about biology and neuroscience, the likelihood of a clear solution for improving psychotherapy, and the politics that have shaped our mental healthcare systems.

Episode 110 - Patreon Selects: The VBT Guide to Grad School (Part II)
We’re back with Dr. Ben Caldwell to conclude our thoughts on grad school and the surprising reality that it isn’t meant to make you a good therapist. We talk about starting supervision, avoiding moral injury, and most importantly, all the things that graduate education does very well in supporting early-career clinicians. Plus, we share our best advice for anyone getting started in their career in mental health.

Episode 109 - Patreon Selects: The VBT Guide to Grad School (Part I)
Dr. Ben Caldwell joins us to discuss everything you need to know about going to school to become a therapist. His most important message? Treat grad school like a convenience store – get in and get out. We explore how to choose a school, how to get the most out of the experience, and where to focus your energy along the way. This episode is for anyone interested in becoming a therapist or for those already in grad school – especially if some of your experiences don’t seem to make sense.

Episode 107 - Patreon Selects: Ask Us Anything!
We’re long overdue for a good old-fashioned Q&A episode. You’ve sent in your questions, and we’re here to opine about everything from the importance of therapists getting their own therapy to the curious reluctance of the mental health field to embrace social psychology. Plus, we begrudgingly discuss the latest TikTok therapist drama to make a point about when it might be better to actually reject client preferences in session…or something like that. Social media is the worst.

Episode 105 - Patreon Selects: The Elephant in the Therapy Room
Dr. Robin Hanson is an associate professor of economics at George Mason University and the coauthor of The Elephant in the Brain: Hidden Motives in Everyday Life. He joins us along with guest host Dr. Alex Williams to explore what clients are subconsciously signaling when they seek therapy – and what therapists are signaling to others when they enter the field. Plus, why is feedback-informed treatment similar to paying a friend $100 for a home-cooked meal?

Episode 103 - Patreon Selects: The Therapists’ Side of the Story
On Very Bad Therapy, we seek to understand what it’s like for clients to have bad therapeutic experiences. Should we focus more on the therapists’ side of the story? Dr. Patrick Wiita joins us to continue our conversation from the end of episode #72 to discuss some very interesting questions:
Are we doing a disservice to our listeners by not considering the “bad” therapists’ point of view?
What are we suggesting by being unquestionably validating of our guests’ stories?
Is it even possible to have this podcast if we challenge our guests’ perspectives?
Plus, Carrie finds deep meaning in a breakfast sandwich.

Episode 100 - Patreon Selects: Is Good Therapy Just the Absence of Bad Therapy?
Carrie and Ben are joined by Dr. Will Dobud to discuss two burning questions: is good therapy just the absence of bad therapy, and should we ban the use of cognitive behavioral therapy? We explore the importance of teaching people to think about psychotherapy models differently, the appeal of bringing therapy back to its pragmatist roots, and what the biased origins of personality tests can teach us about taking precautions when using theories of pathology. Plus, what can we learn from the wonderful history of smoke enemas?