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Episode 110 - Patreon Selects: The VBT Guide to Grad School (Part II)
We’re back with Dr. Ben Caldwell to conclude our thoughts on grad school and the surprising reality that it isn’t meant to make you a good therapist. We talk about starting supervision, avoiding moral injury, and most importantly, all the things that graduate education does very well in supporting early-career clinicians. Plus, we share our best advice for anyone getting started in their career in mental health.

Episode 109 - Patreon Selects: The VBT Guide to Grad School (Part I)
Dr. Ben Caldwell joins us to discuss everything you need to know about going to school to become a therapist. His most important message? Treat grad school like a convenience store – get in and get out. We explore how to choose a school, how to get the most out of the experience, and where to focus your energy along the way. This episode is for anyone interested in becoming a therapist or for those already in grad school – especially if some of your experiences don’t seem to make sense.

Episode 21 - VBT in History (1920s): Very Bad Supervision
Dr. Ben "Manfred" Caldwell joins us in make-believe 1920s Berlin to discuss Max Eitingon and the surprising origins of psychotherapy supervision. We also explore examples of bad supervision, why contemporary supervision appears to have no impact on client outcomes, and what supervisors and supervisees can actually do to make our field better.