Latest Episode:

Episode 141 - “Not All Christians…” (with Josh Foster, LCPC)
What is religious trauma, and why do some therapists refuse to work with clients who use that language? In today’s episode, Jeremy speaks about his experiences with therapists who felt the need to defend their faith in session, and we are joined by Josh Foster, LCPC to discuss the complicated intersection between evangelical Christianity and ethical psychotherapy.

Episode 127 - Enlightenment is Not a Treatment Goal (with Dr. Jim Jobin)
Many clients want a spiritual component to their therapy, but what happens when a therapist acts more like a theologian than a mental health professional? Today’s guest Kelsey describes her experience of having spirituality weaponized against her in sessions, and Dr. Jim Jobin joins us to discuss how religion can be ethically and effectively incorporated into the therapeutic environment.

Episode 92 - Crossing the Line (with Johannah Song, LPC)
Can wearing a cross be considered a type of bad therapy? This episode features a conversation with Johannah Song, LPC about the positive and negative ways therapists of faith can impact treatment by disclosing their religion. Plus, we talk about the right balance between expertise and curiosity, and why seeking consultation from a specialist is like baking a quiche.