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Episode 138 - Patreon Selects: Is EMDR a Cultish Pyramid Scheme?
No, EMDR is not a cultish pyramid scheme. With that out of the way, why is EMDR training so expensive when its theoretical foundations are supported by dubious (at best) research? In this clickbaity-titled episode, Angela Nauss, EMDRIA-certified LMFT, joins us to describe the experience of paying thousands of dollars to “watch the dumpster fire from inside the dumpster.” Please direct all angry emails to

Episode 60 - VBT in History (2010s): The Replication Crisis Comes for Us All
There is an ongoing replication crisis in science; many of the studies that frame our scientific knowledge, especially in psychology, likely have incorrect conclusions. This has huge ramifications for clinical psychology. How can clinicians be effective if the research that supports accepted practices is largely a mirage? Join us as we explore the false positives of psychotherapy and gaze into the existential void.

Episode 51 - VBT in History (1990s): The Empirically Supported Treatment Debate Rages On
The American Psychological Association commissioned a task force in 1993 to determine how to scientifically evaluate psychotherapy treatments. A controversy immediately ensued. Carrie digs into the literature on the history and effectiveness of empirically supported treatments to figure out what this suggests about best clinical practices. Note: this is not an ad for CBT.

Episode 50 - A Story of Strength
In this week’s episode, Samuel discusses his experiences with conversion therapy in Provo, Utah. This is a beautiful story of resilience, compassion, and thriving. Thanks to our listeners, experts, and most of all the inspiring guests who have shared their stories with us for 50 episodes. It is a privilege for us to be a part of this growing community.

Episode 42 -VBT in History (1970s): Was the Stanford Prison Experiment a Sham?
Philip Zimbardo rode the impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment to international renown. Perhaps he forgot to mention that his famous research was more performance art than psychological experiment. In our eighth of twelve history episodes, we look at the common narratives and impact of the SPE, and then consider recently uncovered evidence to the contrary. Plus, Carrie makes sense of Zimbardo’s 7,000 word response to the new criticisms.