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Episode 132 - Some Bad Parts (with Dr. Sheila Addison)
“No bad parts” is a common mantra in therapy – the various parts of ourselves are always working to serve some beneficial purpose. But what happens when a therapist communicates to a client that significant parts of who they are aren’t welcome in the therapy room? Today’s guest Adam describes having to compartmentalize aspects of his identity with his therapist, and Dr. Sheila Addison joins us to discuss how to provide affirming services to all parts of a client.

Episode 118 - Testing Patients (with Rachel Simon, LCSW)
Psychological testing can be complicated. It shouldn’t have to be hostile, even if the evaluation is not intended to be in a client’s best interest. In today’s episode, Jacob shares his experience of a truly ridiculous psych assessment, and we speak with Rachel Simon, LCSW MEd about how assessors can minimize the harmful impact of their own biases – and the biases built into the psych tests themselves.

Episode 66 - Questioning Trans Identities (with Beck Gee-Cohen, CADC-II)
In today’s episode, Jonathan shares his story as a teenager working with a gender therapist who dismissed his preferences for treatment in favor of uncovering his “reasons” for being trans. We also speak with Beck Gee-Cohen about best practices in working with trans kids and how many modalities of psychotherapy exclude trans narratives.

Episode 62 - Overcoming Systemic Transphobia in Mental Health (with Rachel Bennett and Dr. David Nylund)
Rachel Bennett shares her experience navigating the historically misguided gatekeeping requirements for gender reassignment surgery. She discusses how therapists can better advocate for trans-affirmative care, and we speak with Dr. David Nylund to explore a paradigm that challenges the oppressive notion that transitioning is a psychiatric issue. Plus, how can feedback-informed treatment be used as a tool of social justice?