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Episode 57 - Addressing Cultural Complexities (with Dr. Pamela Hays)
In today’s episode, our guest J shares two experiences that highlight the difficulties therapists can have in intercultural therapeutic relationships. We also speak with Dr. Pamela Hays about the ADDRESSING model and other strategies therapists can use to mitigate the impact of their cultural biases in session with clients.

Episode 56 - Very Bad Therapy and Anti-Racism
Ben and Carrie discuss their commitment to making this podcast an antiracist space.

Episode 4 - Race, Rupture, and Repair (with Dr. Dana Stone)
Dr. Dana Stone joins us to unpack our guest Carol's experience with a therapist who chose a stance of defensiveness following a rather shocking microaggression. How can we become not just better clinicians, but better human beings as well? Any why might some therapeutic ruptures ultimately serve to benefit the client?