Latest Episode:

Episode 93 - The Sociopath in the Therapy Room
Therapists have a lot of power. This episode is about a therapist who leveraged that power to abuse his clients.

Episode 87 - When Your Therapist Seems Unwell (with Halina Brooke, LAMFT)
complaint process. This episode is a bingo card of what not to do as a therapist: drink alcohol in session, send barrages of shaming texts to a client, weaponize client disclosures against them, cyberstalking, and more. When an interview begins with a legal disclaimer, you know some very bad therapy took place.

Episode 86 - The Board Complaint Process (with Halina Brooke, LAMFT)
When things go very wrong in therapy, clients often have the option of filing a complaint with the therapist’s licensing board. In this episode, Rebecca shares her experience of bad therapy and subsequent frustrations with the board hearings, and Halina Brooke joins us to talk about what clients and therapists need to know about the complaint process.