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Episode 84 - Are Therapists Substitute Parental Figures?
Attachment theory is one of the most credible areas in the field of psychotherapy. It is not, however, an excuse for a therapist to presume to be a substitute parental figure for a client. In this episode, Monika describes working with a therapist who talked about reparenting but undermined therapeutic progress with inconsistent boundaries and unethical behavior. Plus, Carrie takes a deep dive into the research on attachment between therapists and clients.

Episode 33 - Boundary Entanglements
Today’s story from T is a cautionary tale about a therapist causing harm by blurring boundaries around texting, personal space, and self-disclosure. Carrie and Ben attempt to hold space for T’s experience while seeking a middle ground in their differing perspectives about her therapist’s behavior. One thing is certain: if a therapist has a sexual dream about a client, the therapeutic relationship is not the place for processing.

Episode 7 - Boundaries and Institutional Power
Today's episode features a story about a therapist who pleaded with her client to help with research for her Master's thesis. We discuss why this is objectively problematic and look at the difference between boundary crossing and boundary violation in the context of inherent power dynamics within the therapeutic relationship. Plus, Carrie and Ben share their own absurd experiences of very bad therapy.